I will probably never know if Polly is my sister. I heard about her long before we ever met. Strangers would confront me while walking up and down my native ridges of MÅ«rang’a District in Central Kenya. ‘Is Polly your sister’, they would ask. I had no idea who Polly was. One morning I heard my brother’s friend saying to him, ‘Your brother so reminds me of Polly’. I could tell by their tones that Polly was someone they found sensuous. Sexy. Their conspiratorial grunts told me they both admired Polly immensely if they were not intensely in love. I was curious to meet Polly but I had no guts to ask my brother for an introduction. I rehearsed some lines. ‘People keep saying I look like Polly’. ‘Who is Polly? ‘Can I get an introduction to Polly’. I never got to using them. I was rummaging through my brother’s album when I stumbled on her picture. I could not believe it when I saw it. Her name was scribbled at the back of the photo. She was squatting in sch...