I was nearly recruited into jihadism. Well almost. This story is not for the faint hearted. If you like short quick ones, stop here. Go make yourself a cup of coffee. Or stand outside your balcony and shout hello to your neighbors. The rest of you come along. Let's test your concentration span. We just had to talk. The man had a Michael Jordan shave. I keenly watched his greying goatee as I tried to figure out his accent. Distinctly not South African. He fitted my stereotypical ideal of an Alqaeda operative or a member of a Zimbabwean cult living in Nairobi. Clean shaven head and a long goatee. We were stuck in a small electronically controlled space regulating entry and exit out of a small local South African Bank . We should have entered the space one person at a time but for some reason we stepped in at the same time and the doors locked. It felt like being in a cattle dip track, doors securely locked behind you and with only one possible direction for movement. He had j...